Myprotein Shaker Bottle
The most popular shaker on the market today
Our shaker helps to keep you hydrated throughout the day, and the blending ball has been designed to give you a smooth shake whatever supplement you’re mixing. It’s an essential for your gym bag to stay fuelled, wherever you are.
Myprotein 經典款搖搖杯是目前市場上最先進的運動員營養補充劑搖搖杯,幫您輕鬆攪拌混合液體或糊狀食物,快速均勻。旋扭式蓋子設計安全密封,而大瓶口和“翻轉瓶帽” 設計使產品更易於使用。 此搖搖杯可以用洗碗機清洗。易握的瓶身形狀和 600 毫升大容量使其成為在市場上最符合人體工程學設計的搖搖杯,實用又時尚!
- 旋扭式蓋子設計安全密封
- 配有獨特設計的鋼絲攪拌球,可以加速攪拌、均勻混合
- 帶有 Myprotein 品牌標誌
- 可以用洗碗機清洗
- 混合搖勻蛋白粉、代餐或增磅餐飲料等營養補充劑,鍛煉健身運動前後調製運動飲料
- 隨時隨地方便美觀享受營養產品,補充水分
- 杯蓋直徑- 95 毫米
- 杯子高度- 220 毫米
- 杯頂直徑- 93 毫米
- 杯底直徑- 72 毫米
- 容量- 600 毫升
- Unique blending ball for smooth shakes
- Ideal substitute for an electric blender
- 600ml capacity
- Screw-tight, leak-free lid
- 100% dishwasher friendly
- 電動攪拌機的理想替代品
- 完全密封設計,不滴不漏
- 獨特設計,方便清潔
FOR INFORMATION: Do not use this product with hot or warm liquids. Placing hot or warm liquids into sealed containers creates excess pressure and can cause the top and/or seal to open unexpectedly and spray the contents. When washing the product, we recommend that you keep the lid off at all times.
- Range: Hard Accessories

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